The Varying Cost of Tooth Whitening Procedures

Is the Cost of Tooth Whitening Procedures Worth It? The first question many people find themselves asking when it comes to this topic is, “Is the cost of tooth whitening worth it?” This is a great question to ask but should be closely considered along side of this one: “Is the product going to work?” Obviously if you choose a teeth whitening product or procedure that fails to provide any results, the cost, no matter what it was, was definitely not worth it. For teeth to actually turn ...more

Your Local Family Dental Practice: Plymouth Valley Dental Post author

Finding a Local Family Dental Practice If you’re searching for a new dentist, try looking for a local family dental practice. If you can find a dentist you like in your area, you can save on gas money and manage your time more efficiently. Local dentist are often invested in the community and truly care about their patients. Ask your family and friends who live near you for a referral. Most dentists who do a good job will come highly recommended by their patients. If you’re moving to a new ...more

How Does a Successful Family Dental Practice Look?

What to Look for in a Family Dental Practice Any successful family dental practice will share certain characteristics that you can be on the lookout for when searching for your next provider. Whether you are new to an area or are just interested in making a switch, choosing the right dentist for your family is an important decision. Before you begin, and as you search, we suggest spending a few moments reviewing the information below to help you narrow down your options as you compare potential ...more

5 Key Characteristics of Dentists Kids Like

Share Traits of Dentists Kids Like Finding dentists kids like can be tricky. Many adults even struggle with dentist visits, so it is no wonder that kids can feel great amounts of anxiety and fear when it comes time for a checkup. What is also true is that many of the traits that make a dentist kid friendly can also be useful for adult patients! When searching for dentists kids like keep in mind that many family focused practices will have the experience and touch you are looking for. Dentists ...more